Kimberly Radomski
Professional Massage Therapist

About Me & FAQ

Hi there!

My name is Kimberly and here is just a little background on me.

I grew up in Glen Ellyn, but from 2005 to 2008 I lived in North Carolina with my husband who was in the USMC. I attended and graduated from Carteret Community College with over 1,000 hours of massage therapy training in 2007. I started off working at MCAS Cherry Point working on Marines and their families, as well as working in a spa in New Bern, NC. Since moving back to Illinois in 2008, I've worked at a few different companies. Over the years I've worked with some amazing therapists and met wonderful people.

My passion for massage started at a young age. I would often massage my Dad's shoulders when he got home from work. He regularly either worked overtime or 2 jobs when I was younger and I always wanted to help out somehow. My Grams also introduced me to Reiki when I was young, so the "holistic" approach to things always interested me. While I am a Reiki Therapist, my focus is Massage Therapy. I believe massage is an essential part of life. Massage therapy can be used to relax your mind and body, help injured or sore muscles, improve sleep, and so much more. (Read below in FAQs to see all the ways Massage Therapy can help)

I provide personalized massage therapy that nurtures both your body and mind. We live in a world that tends to be chaotic and stressful, I would like to help provide a balance. I have learned several different techniques over the years that I utilize to optimize my client's experience. I'm currently learning about MAT work - MyoSkeletal Alignment Techniques, and am very excited to start incorporating this into my sessions when needed.

  Every massage is tailored to my client's need. You can access my Services Page to see the different techniques I currently use.


Thank you for stopping by and checking things out. Hope to hear from you soon!  




What are the benefits of massage therapy?

There are many benefits, without any specific result in mind, here are some of them:

  • Increased circulation
  • Improved range of motion and decreased discomfort
  • Reduced muscle spasms and cramping
  • Increased joint flexibility
  • Help recover from strenuous exercise/workouts 
  • Relaxation of overused/tired and/or injured muscles
  • Headache and tension relief, relief from migraines
  • Improves immune function by stimulation of the lymph system
  • Help with post-op recovery, edema, reduce scar tissue
  • Release of endorphins, the body's natural painkiller
  • Reducing stress and increasing relaxation
  • Reducing pain and muscle soreness and tension
  • Lowering heart rate and blood pressure

What should I expect during my first massage therapy session?

You will be required to fill out an Intake Form. Afterward, we will go over the form and then I will ask you general questions to establish what areas you would like worked on. It is important to list all health concerns, medications, and allergies so I can adapt the session to your specific needs without doing any harm. 

What is the intake process?

When you schedule an appointment for the first time you will be asked to fill out an intake form. This form will cover your contact information, medical history and, if any, current issues. It will go over the policies and expectations as well. This will be done prior to your massage appointment. You usually need to arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your very first appointment to fill this out properly. The intake form will only need to be filled out before your first visit. If, after your first appointment, any health changes occur please notify me before your appointment begins. 

Do I have to get completely undressed?

No, you do not. Illinois law requires that we adhere to proper draping protocol at all times. With the exception of the head, all body parts are draped at all times by a sheet unless that body part is being worked on. I take your comfort very serious. Half of my clients prefer to be completely un-clothed while the other half wish to keep their underwear on. It is up to you, what you are comfortable with.  If you have questions regarding this we can go over them during the intake process.  If at any time during the session you are uncomfortable, please let me know.

Do I get my whole body massaged?

You can. Each massage is tailored to what you want. I have several clients who like to focus on a couple areas, but will get a full body massage every 3rd or 4th session. It is completely up to you. I do believe it is beneficial to get a full body massage often. Everything in your body is connected so to neglect, say, your legs and/or feet all the time, would not be ideal.

Can I talk during the massage?

If you'd like. This is your session. While some find it more relaxing to stay quiet and zone out, others like to talk because that helps them relax and relieve their stress. And, then others like to start out talking for a bit in the beginning and then stay quiet for the rest. It is completely up to you. I will check in a couple times during the massage to make sure you're comfortable, but other than that, I will follow your lead. If you are receiving a massage for a specific injury/issue then I may have to communicate with you more than usual during the session. 

How often should I get a massage?

That is completely up to you.  After your session we will discuss it and come up with a plan that works for you. If you are coming in without any specific issues and just looking to relax, then a monthly massage would be ideal. If you have a specific issue then coming in more frequently would be best. Either way, we will discuss it before/after the session.

When should I not get a massage?

If you have a cold, flu or anything contagious you can not get a massage. With some conditions, it is a good idea to get approval from your physician before you receive massage (cancer, certain heart conditions, pregnancy to name a few). This does not mean you cannot get a massage, but it’s always better to be cautious.

How will I feel after my massage?

Most people feel very relaxed. You may experience a significant decrease or freedom from those long-term aches and pains. You also may experience some soreness the day after, which could be followed by an increase in energy and mobility. It all depends on the type of massage you received. Regardless of the type of session, a hot soak in the tub or a shower can help in the relaxation and/or soreness. Increasing your water intake for a bit after your session is always beneficial.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

What are your Covid-19 & Mask Protocols?

Please follow the CDC guidelines for Covid-19. If you have been exposed, please wait 2-5 days to test. If you test positive for Covid-19, please stay at home until symptoms have gone and/or you test negative. Please reschedule your appointment if you have been exposed, traveled recently or are showing any symptoms.

Are there any cancellation fees?

Currently there are not. I have 2 young kids, so I understand that things happen. However, if you cancel last minute multiple times, you will not be allowed to return. If you do not show up to your appointment without a call, you will not be allowed to return. Please give me a 24-hours notice if you need to reschedule your appointment so that that hour may be made available to others. 

Do you give happy endings?

No. I provide professional therapeutic massage. Anything sexually related is not accepted and you will not be allowed to return.